Bit of a clean up

Wheels off for wash and brush up. . .

Sorry about the orientation of the pics

I did the same this weekend. Running out of things to do!

Hit the bottle again Steve :crazy: Car is looking is super clean, we wont recognise it :wink: keep the posts and pictures coming :thumbup:

Excellent work, again similar story round my house on Sunday! Need to push it out into daylight for a few snaps!

A wheel face down on a hard surface! I wouldn’t do that sir…or is that just me. Cleaned mine at weekend as well and replaced a few more bolts/nuts with stainless.

Thanks for your concern! My youngest, Jono, raised an alarm about that. But I took great care and came through unscathed. :thumbup:

Gave mine bit of a spruce up as well, had to remove and clean behind the headlight covers as dirt was getting in. Need to get the front nearside arch repaired and a new badge for the front.

Looking good Jon :+1:

:thumbup: Spacious garage

Love it, shiny stuff fella’s.

AM is the same now. I noticed they fitted the diffuser on the piss so that came off, cleaned up, job done.

Super dooper!

Nice work guys.

Today’s fitness class . . . Pumping up the re-SORNed Exige to avoid flat spots

Go on popeye!! :muscle::muscle:

Built like Arnie,me :thumbup: