
Eeep, knew it was bad when the FOM camera crews were’s putting images out

Let’s hope he went in backwards so engine cover and roll hoop took the brunt


Images I’ve seen show the air intake / engine cover all smashed off level with the top of his helmet :frowning:
However the fact that his helmet appears intact is reassuring that it has done as good a job as possible. Fingers crossed for him.

yeah here’s hoping he went in backwards and the bodywork, engine plenum, and roll hoop took the brunt.

In addition, former F1 driver Andrea de Cesaris has been killed in a motor cycle accident today.

Sad day.

Bad day for F1, I do hope he recovers.

Horrific Crash.

The Digger went well over a foot in the air :open_mouth:

Wish him every chance of a recovery

Forza Jules

Very sad. Hang in there Jules.

only click if you want to see it

some serious energy in there

Christ almighty, that’s absolutely horrific, I’m amazed he wasn’t killed instantly.

Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery.

It feels comfortable to think that having seen that he’s actually a lucky boy.

This gives the idea of what happened to the top of the car…

It can’t be a bad thing that the visor still seems to be attached to his helmet. Former F1 chief doc Gary Hartstein stated it’s a good sign if he is breathing unaided and Alex Wurz (GPDA president) said he was concious directly after but as we all know from Hammond that’s no real indicator.

Very sobering.

Extremely sad update… The brain injury suffered by Marussia driver Jules Bianchi has a 90 per cent chance of never regaining consciousness. Survivors with severe diffuse axonal injury generally remain unconscious, the 10 per cent that regain consciousness are often severely impaired.

Very sad , where the hell was the safety car ?!

Only just seen the pics,no wonder we never saw any replays etc and terrible news, sounding similar to Schumacher.

Crash was under double waved yellows, so at the time, they probably thought that their was no need for the safety car ?

Seen this situation so many times, just an accident waiting to happen.

Hope he somehow pulls through

Ian, the message from the family did not say that Jules has SEVERE diffuse axonal injury. The linked article on diffuse axonal injury does talk about this in the way you describe but the press release specifically did not mention the word severe so maybe it’s not quite that bad? Clutching at straws maybe but I’m always optimistic.

True, and that would be a splendid outcome. I understood any diffuse axonal injury was pretty bad because it is the result of the entire brain taking a serious deceleration and not a single impact point. Still, fingers very crossed for Jules. Racing must be hard for them this weekend.