best insurance advice please

in my case… 24 years young, 7yrs NCD, no points… best price was… >… TESCO!

�750 ish fully comp

S1 or S2 though? S2 is a higher group I believe.

S2, 54 plate… stage 2 + pipercross induction (no change to premium), driveway’ed in wales 75% of time, london secure parking for most of the rest of the time - explicitly told to them by letter (and acknowledged)… tracking device(s), removeable steering wheel (no change to premium)

Thanks Guys, I’ll phone around in the next couple of days

Can’t wait

Adrian Flux or Competition Car Insurance also come to mind, they had good quotes last time I was renewing (back in Spetember) anyway, and depending upon how your car is stored overnight (as this meant different underwriters were used) you may get some ‘free’ trackday cover included.

THB Eggar Lawson now have the option of a number of track days or windscreen cover - not both?

THB Eggar Lawson now have the option of a number of track days or windscreen cover - not both?

But you only need windscreen cover don’t you, Mr Crossland?

Yes, I am bullying you into booking for Donny - only cos I know you’ll love it once you get ot there!

Cross posted from the 340R forum:

“Also Herts Insurance Consultants Ltd 08451 290290 are offering free trackday cover apparently (advertised it in EVO.”

THB Eggar Lawson now have the option of a number of track days or windscreen cover - not both?

But you only need windscreen cover don’t you, Mr Crossland?

Yes, I am bullying you into booking for Donny - only cos I know you’ll love it once you get ot there!

pah I’d av gotten away with it if it wasn’t for that Pesky…Pesky!!!