Best Exige Moment

We have sooo many good moments over the years - what are your best memories? - apart from meeting the best folk on the planet :smiley:

My best are

Exiges at Spa - Russ and Evosal step forward :

Exiges trackdays - step up to the plate Pesky and Ben :

But best thing is the mates I have made over the years with great likeminded owners

Many Spa trips with many folk from here.

Full private day at the N’burg another.

The Ferrets.

Man U vs Villa with Pesky (3-1 :unamused: )

Kielder Forest with Gav in his Sport 160. Driving it I caught air. Lol I shit myself but Gav shouted “go Jonny”. Typical :laughing:

Exige days.

Many wonderfully generous, friendly, helpful and honest people have made an ordinary day away from the forum a great one. And TBH on it.

Worst moment. Con’s funneral. What a great guy. Missed.

Can only second Simon & Jonny’s sentiments!

I would like to add that Martin & Steve (“Woolley Hat”) Edwards have contributed a massive amount to the whole experience of “exigeness” for so many members past & present.

I must also mention the never to be forgotten Major Mike Stripe, who had Lotus blood flowing through every vein in his body. I truly consider Mike to have been that rare beast of being a true/straight as a die gentleman, a brilliant & humorous raconteur, an expert European event tour organiser, & of course a great friend to so many of us.

Mr Admin (David Brown) deserves a special mention & big thanks for creating, & maintaining, this great forum which has & continues to bring so many like minded peeps together.

Finally, my sincere thanks to all the special friends (you know who you are!) I’ve made simply as a result of being an early owner of the fabulous Lotus Exige.

I haven’t been around long enough really to have too many memories , but thanks very much for all your assistance and pointers so far chaps.

Hope to meet with you all in 2019

Bit of a love and hate thing for me with the S1 Exige, a bit like they say about owning a boat…

Your best day ever is the day you buy it, and the second best day is when you sell it :lolno:


Buying 3 x Exige S1 over 15 years

Too many to pinpoint one,
Seeing it unveiled at motorshow in 2000
collecting my dad’s from Ribble Valley
purchasing my own in 2008 selling it 2 years later to Keith…
buying the next one in 2012 and getting it shipped off to the Edwards boys to work their magic and then onto Impact.
Pesky and Russ taking me around Oulton and Anglesey
Northern boys convoy to The Bull trackday
the list goes on…
Great memories.

Great stuff, Jabbs.
Turning point for me, as you know, was seeing your dad’s at that Norlog meet.
The hours I spent agonising over buying one/not buying one while propping up the bar at my local with son James. Then being told by Mrs T as I gazed at on the computer: “Oh, for goodness sake, just buy one”
Then, all the fun, trips to NYLOC with Pesky and Russ. Drives over the hills to the meets in Yorkshire that still give me a thrill.
Getting out on track for the first time, finally going fast enough to melt rubber, the streaks of rubber left on the car after a track day. The nights in The Bull, the curries, Mark PH’s generosity in letting me try his car at Anglesey as I ummd and aaahd over the suspension upgrade.
The Nyloc Euro tours - I drove all the way to Corsica for god’s sake -
The list is endless. 12 years of pure unadulterated fun with some of the best mates I’ve ever had. Long may it continue.

Great post Thommo.

Yeah, all the times about the annual track day at Anglesey, sometimes the best part being the trip there and the night out. Steve B and MarkPH putting faith in me to allow a few laps driving their cars round Anglesey. Fantastic memories :arrow_right: :thumbup:

Also going round old Anglesey with Matt Becker at the wheel (a dealer day). Pesky giving me a ride around Oulton. Gav Kershaw showing the way around Donny and how we laughed when I lifted off in craner’s at around 100mph and I saved it :open_mouth:

And the many great people I have become friends with along the way, some of whom have been spectacular with me over the last couple of years. God bless 'em, and this place.

Well said, Tim

Ditto. :lolno: :crazy: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused:

I’m hopeful the best moment is yet to come.

I will make an exiges meet :+1::smile:

Donnington, torrential rain, windows, need I say more :astonished:

Too many great times over 15years to isolate a single moment. A few notable ones :

  • Many visits to the Edward’s magic garage; for the original Honda transplant, the SC install and then most recently the refurb. Each time has been excitement greater than picking a new car from a dealer. Massively grateful to Martin and Steve for their work.

  • The time we thought it was a good idea to all meet up at JSR in Dudley and travel in convoy to Anglesey - properly unhinged :crazy:

  • Leaving my window open at Donny in a biblical downpour.

  • Con’s red calipers

  • Having the car being part of my kids childhood, esp my middle boy James who is totally mad about it.

  • Most of all the great people I’ve met through owning the car.

The worst moment was when the car broke on the way to Spa. As I was arguing with the AA about recovering it I could have put a match to it as it sat forlornly in the paddock.

Also, and as others have said, losing both Con and Mike, I have very fond memories of both of those guys.

What a great thread -


  • Driving weekend with Wes /Rallysport and Miss Double D in Romania. Racetrack in the sky - TransAlpina. Best drive time of my life bar none.

  • Meetings in England and Budpest with Rob /Pesky, Every trackday, Ben, Steve, Tim, Clive, staying with Chris / Randy at his home and buying the 340R
    Such nice nice people I have met through exiges. A total cut above any other car and motorsport group. :thumbup: :sunglasses:

    Weirdest was definitely the first night I bought my S1 exige:

The Edwards very kindly let me overnight at their place and Rob came up too, we had dinner and after I had the keys and was dying just to sit in it and enjoy the “I cannot believe I own THIS !” feeling but instead we all sat in the living room and watched a bird watching tv show. I thought this was some weird English joke and any minute someone was going to burst out laughing and shout Go sit in your new car!!! but, alas it never happened :laughing: :laughing:

Great to hear from you, Pierre. Lovely stories. What is it about Exiges that brings out the best in people?

Moving to New Zealand, I had a feeling Britain (less the Great) was going down the pan.

Getting to New Zealand and having the only road going and registered Exige S1 in the whole country. Pretty good claim me thinks until a young Kiwi upstart, (George) :sunglasses: came along and now theirs two of us. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blasting the roads of New Zealand initially. Falling out of love with the Si and now im back in the swing of things 12 years later.

Whoop whoop :laughing:

Original name was just Huskydog

Meeting at JSR to drive up to Anglesey was a bloody BRILLIANT idea!!! :laughing: You all managed to behave through the tunnel on the way out, was expecting lots of 11’s!! Where is that road sign meme??

Burning the hell out of my arm replacing the AC pipe on Ben’s car at B&C when it was still under under warranty, working on it at Plans, helping him spend his bonus at JSR. Watching it morph from standard, to various stages of not so standard, to stunning. Not sure who is stalking who, to be honest!!

Ben arriving at Oulton Park, just in time to leave to go for a curry, having missed all the track day.

DaveP/Will making people look ordinary, without monster powered cars.

Jonny - NA rocks - Fox. No need to say anymore really. S2 was cool, S1 is amazing, and glad to have helped you out.

With Sean and Wayne, helping build the only Audi powered car to win in the LOT series. Sean flashing a GT2 out of the way at Donny on the back straight. While 2 up. The guy was slightly less than impressed!

Drive back from Anglesey with Ian in his Exige, and me in my Cupra R, in the evening through Snowdon. An interesting combo, light weight and revs vs lots of torque and huge brakes.

C1 racing with Seriously Dave/Ishy/Richard A/Tony/Dean/others!! Including 24 hours at Sillystone a couple of weeks ago. It was wet. And cold. And dark. And cold. And safety car. And cold. And little bit crashy/rolly. And cold. Did I say it was cold?

I guess a special mention for an S1 Exigeish - that has done 189mph at Brunters- same as a MP4-12C at the same place. The car’s an animal!

Agree on losing Con and Mike too soon. Not so great.

Being asleep in my van for the red caliper award was a touch embarrassing, but hugely humbling when I found out.

For me, met loads of people - please don’t be offended if you’re not in the above list - I now call good friends, have had some amazing experiences, passengered in/driven/fixed/built some absolutely special, mental cars.