Bemani S/Chargers

Having read the thread from the swiss guy with the bemani charged S2 (how do by the way ) i had a wee peek to see if i could find any info. Found this topic with a few handy links and discussion…

By Feb next year there will be a cheaper SC on the market, fitted in the UK

i would have thought so. Price converted to uk pounds from swiss francs is at least �7,443.37 GBP (but thats excluding the cost of bringing your car to them to have it fitted!)

Plus trick bits like LSD…

() the thread from the swiss guy with the bemani charged S2

Born and bred in England Swiss mother and Swiss wife though.

how do by the way )


Found this topic with a few handy links and discussion…

Swiss supercharger kit for the 111R Elise | The Lotus Cars Community >

Thanks for that � hadn’t seen these.