Bedfordshire meeting

Now that my web site is back up and running, and up to date, I thought it would be a good opportunity to organise an informal gathering on Thursday 17th October 2002 at approx 7.30pmThe aim is to get a regular group of like minded Lotus owners and start doing runs like the old Fish-n-Chip days. You may remember I ran an event in Surrey in May 2001 which attracted well over 80 cars.This will be a simple meet up in Bedford, quick drive and a pub drink/chat just to gauge the feeling amoung fellow drivers. I know there are a few cars around as I see them on my way down to London on the A1M every morning. So if there is enough interest, we can maybe look at holding regular pub nights and even look at doing a bigger run in the new year.If ya interested, drop by my web site at: or email me at [email protected] to let me know if your interested in meeting up on the Thursday 17th October.CheersScott.

Did I drop a lead ballon!!?Well I’ve had several of you email me directly with an interest to meeting up on the night so thanks. I’ve posted details on my site now for the starting point which is teh Interchange Retail Park just South of Bedford centre. Check the site for further details - ThanksScott.