Bedford Autodrome

Anyone interested in the Lotus day here in August…site looks excellent and has had good feedback from those that thave been before…

Sounds good to me - where do I sign ?

Seems like a good place to depart with more rubber. Any idea which Circuit?West looks good!Bran&Pip :slight_smile:

Friday August 17th - its a Lotus Life trackday, costs �150, 3 groups of 20mins apiece - approx 2 hours on track. Ring 01953 608149 to book.I’ll definitely be ringing up tomorrow.

Bah, it would be on a Friday, wouldn’t it !Still… I’m booking myself in !

A little confusing but there is a second number you can book on as well…0870-0362277…rang today and I’m in…see the rest of you there then - although it wasn’t confirmed Lotus are trying to get a number of instructors there to help out.

My mate did the Ferrari day at Bedford Autodrome recently, and got blackflagged (3 times) in his 348 for exceeding the noise limit. In the end they just booted him off.To make matters worse, they actually lowered the limit after lunch to a ridiculous 88db.Be careful.

88dB ?!?That’s ridiculous.

Spoke to Both Lotus and Palmer sport today and this is what they saidPalmer:The noise test is. 101db @ 0.5m and 87db drive by @ 20m @ more than 60mph excelorating maximally. [image][/image]Lotus say:We will ask our engineers to do a test on a non-cat car; ss exhaust and call you tomorrow.Well-done Lotus.Will post tomorrow asap.

quote:Originally posted by Keenan Perrin:We will ask our engineers to do a test on a non-cat car; ss exhaust and call you tomorrow.Well-done Lotus.Will post tomorrow asap.Any news yet???

Got my joining instrucions today…but with SS exhaust and cat replacement pipe is it a waste of time going?

So has anyone else besides me taken the plunge and signed up…

Hi Steve,I went on Monday with the Lloyds Motor Club and they tested me as soon as I got there (literally waiting by the front gate!!!). I’d swapped over my cat pipe for the cat and obviously got through no problem at all, but then a mate of mine in his Elise also got through with his sports exhaust and cat pipe in place - he was tested at the recent Hethel OLC day at 103db! Damn, why did I bother!Anyway there was far louder kit there on the day, including race prepped stuff, God knows how they got through, but we didn’t see any sign of testing after that first one. I’d say take your cat with you and if need be swap it over when you’re there and get re-tested if it’s a problem. They did seem laxer than I was expecting!Hope you get through…

Simonthanks for the info…I’m just going to go down on the day and see what happens…I’m hoping that all the fuss about noise restrictions is just a false alarm that has been fuelled too many postings on the subject…if everyone is sensible on the day and doesn’t go looking for trouble by asking questions about noise levels Im hoping to just sail in.

Just spoken to Debs and booked myself in.She will be closing the bookings very shortly so hurry if you want to go.See you there…

quote:Originally posted by stevegreen: Any news yet???Sorry Steve only just spoted the question. no news Lotus havn’t got back to me. Ime going to go to Anglesey, They like noise there.Kee [image][/image]

What a superb day…don’t know where to start really…the facilities were first class, organisation very friendly and efficient, lots of track time, sun shone all day, track was great with some really good corners and saving the best till last David and I were treated to some very enthusiastic driving by Hyla Breese (sp?) and his boss as we were passengers in their Exiges as they stormed around at ridiculous speed only feet apart. How they mangage to control the cars is beyond me but it was awesome to watch and feel it firsthand.If Lotus get to do another one on this track I would highly recommend it to everyone. Not only were there instructors available for the morning session (from both Lotus and the Autodrome), and demonstration laps in Lotus own cars in the afternoon, but Lotus had technicians on site to sort out any car problems - all for �150!!! Surely unbeatable?Oh yes and there were plenty of like minded individuals to chat away to. I think David and I were about the last to leave having collared Nick Adams for a chat and getting the rear clam rubbers off him. The guy is an absolute goldmine of info and more than willing to share it in a very friendly and unassuming manner.There was a little doubt (in my mind anyway)over whether 90 cars on the day split into 3 20 min sessions would seem too crowded - however, this was not the case…the circuit was over 3 miles long and if you didn’t rush out at the beginning of the session but waited a minute or so until the main posse were round the back of the circuit you could go out and it was like having the circuit to yourself with just the odd one or two overtakes to make you feel good!!!Oh and finally, all the talk about noise restrictions came to nothing…I got a green (pass) and red (fail) sticker as i was borderline on arriving but that was the last I heard of it (no pun intended!) and i certainly didn’t short shift to try and get by.

I agree Steve, although it wasn’t an open pitlane, the fact there were demo-drives being offered and the Lotus people on hand meant you weren’t sat around bored waiting for your session to come round - and the sessions themselves weren’t subject to the usual stop-starts because some fool had fallen off the track and needed recovering.In the most part drivers were courteous and let the clearly faster Exiges through [image][/image] As Steve said, being a passenger as the two expertly-driven Exiges diced with each other was something I won’t forget in a hurry (knowing Steve was in the other car was a giggle)The only (tiny) downside of the track is that it’s absolutely flat, and I do prefer an undulating track… but that’s all.

gosh, sounds very good…any idea where I could find out when the next track day of Lotus Life is so that I can make some holiday arrangements in advance. wanted to come over to the homeland of me exige for a long time and have a bit of a giggle and maybe meeting some of you chaps.cheers,Bruno

bruno…are you a member of the Official Lotus Club…if so it should be advertised through there…you could always email Debs and ask her to put your name on the list even if one doesn’t exist yet!