BaT Spa Double Dip - July 11&12 2017

Right I’m booked, and booked some poor git to strap into the passenger seat too show me which way is what.

Didn’t make it last year, but year before was one my highlights of the year

Well time to look behind the sofa for any money leftover after xmas

Tax bill was less than I thought, so boom.

Great news :clap:

Great news indeed!!

I make that (from discussion I’ve had) :


Another awesome trip in the plan :sunglasses:

There’s gotta be some more,.,…you know it makes sense!

Radisson Blu? Steak on stone?

Now you’re talking :sunglasses: Last year the steak-on-a-stone place was closed as the owners were on holiday :cry:

Steak on a rocker cover? Betting a JRSC blower would work well as a griddle

And Ian …


Radisson and steak on a stone - definitely !!

There’s some plotting, watch this space

Not looking good for me, the Tax man came and took my play budget away :frowning:

That’s a shame Ade,…still a way away yet though.

I am in for this too. I have it down as 10 and 11 July…

Looking forward to it.

Excellent :thumbup:

Plan is coming together for this trip and there’s still places if anyone fancies it. If you’ve never been to Spa it really is a truly special place and worth the effort/expense.

Its the FunCup 25hour the day before so we’re getting the early train out to catch the last few hours. JonnyFox in particular loves FunCup :laughing:

A load of us will be staying at the Radisson Blu in Spa town,…handy for its proximity to the Steak on a Stone restaurant :thumbup:

Booked :smiley:

Just need to put the rear back on :confused: