Bat Cat shared ownership

Yes I was lucky enough to drive Jonny and Ben’s cars back to back at Anglesey. Thanks again guys!!!

The first thing that really impressed me, was how absolutely bang on the handling of both cars was. I know they are both R300’s, but apart from the gearbox they felt absolutely bang on with each other. Engine wise, handling wise. Ben’s has the upgraded rear brakes, which Jonny’s didn’t have at the time (but does have now), but in fairness I didn’t notice any difference under braking as I was taking it pretty easy.

So the gearbox. I am a massive fan of sequentials and the Sadev box is awesome. Its a similar unit in the Clio Cup race cars and I have been lucky enough to drive two of those. It’s without doubt the nicest sequential box I have ever used. Don’t get me wrong, the 6 speed H pattern is a lovely box, nice short throw and very snickety snick into all the gears. The clutch action is nice and very quick gear changes are there for the taking. But if you want the full on, hooligan race car, then the Sadev is the way to go.

Did it today, deposit on a BaT Caterham.

Tried an academy car, thought it was a bit slow.

Tried Jonny Fox’s R300, thought it was nuts.

Gone for the academy car so I don’t scare myself.

Should be mine June/July when they get their new one. …if you rent it, do not break it

YAY Keith well done buddy. I did see the S2 parked up outside BaT Caterham as I left, I did have sneaky feeling :clap:

Got a message from Greg at BaT today. Their new car is due for delivery in the next few days, they then have to build it and I get their old one. Hopeful it will be mine mid August. I will see how I get on with it, if all is well, the S2 will be up for sale. No point rushing to sell it, it’s pretty well perfect S2 so I need to keep it for a while in case I do not get on with the Cat.

I will need to learn to chuck it into corners - no power (125bhp) so it is all about exit speed. I hope the lower value, ease of repair and not needing it to drive home will make me braver in corners - I can always hope.

My S1 will be my luxury transport to/from the track.

Get it on track too!

That’s the plan, It will live in the Bat Cave with the others. Probably with no road tax, just for track days. That’s why the S2 will be pensioned off.

Great stuff Keith

Great news Keith!

We need to talk about what kind of livery you’re going for and therefore what stickers you want me to make :thumbup:


Colour scheme is sorted, it’s gloss black with a single yellow stripe down the middle and will have Caterham yellow stripes on the sides (today it has … Looks like yellow will be needed.

It’s only an Academy car, not like your manic machines.


I get my car on Friday the 2nd of Sept. Booked on a track day as well, then I am off on business for three weeks.

Awesome Keith, enjoy buddy.

Now that it looks like my S1 is sold i am also looking at a track only Caterham.

I have seen all the fun you lot have been having so i have been researching a fair bit lately.

Potentially going for a Supersport Ex race car. That way is i ever get brave enough i could potentially try a race or two :slight_smile: and it will still be cost effective (ish for racing anyway. Probably will never get brave enough though)
However i didn’t realise the amount of different models out there. Its mind blowing. Have any of you driven a Supersport Sigma 140? If so what did you think? The lap times around Donno are about the same as Elise Trophy so should be plenty quick enough with hopefully added fun.

Nice Alan :smiley:

I haven’t tried any other Caterham but Ian however was saying his 1.6 is excellent, not a 140 but labelling any criticism at it was that it ran out of puff a little too soon. He’s quick in his car buddy too.

Last time i spoke to Ian he was pleased with it.

I have also been offered a R300 with a manual 6 speed. But then costs start adding up again. But i also remember some frustration at times with the S1 with its standard engine on the straights when higher powered cars would just drive away but then hold you up everywhere else.

Are you still enjoying your R300? Any issues with it at all? Running costs reasonable?

Love it mate. Reasonable is an understatement, affordable defiantly.

Just a brake issue, easily resolved.

PM you now about the gearboxes.

Absolutely love my R300 and as you’ve seen with been having quite a lot of fun :smiley: Aside from being reasonable to run mine has been super reliable and meant that when I do get away to do a trackday, its just soaked up the punishment. I think the R300 is the perfect power level, and driven well it really is a rapid machine.

I’d honestly recommend giving Jonny Leroux at Bookatrack a bell, he’s really looked after us with the supply/running of the cars, for me its a winning formula it really is :thumbup:

Oh and Keith, have a fantastic day tomorrow and get some pics up of the new machine. You might have some company there but alas it won’t be me. Gutted, I’d love to be on circuit tomorrow :frowning:

Looking forwards to all of us being in the pit garage and out on circuit when you’re back from your business trip :thumbup:

Thanks Ben, I am booked on the Lot day at Donny in October as well.

My Cat is just a 1.6 Sigma. It is certainly not that fast accelerating but that is why I got it. It will make me be more brave with entry and exit speeds. Jonny (& Greg) at BaT sorted it all for me. Told them what I wanted (academy car, full cage, not a garage queen) and they sold me bat13 their old academy car. Bit late getting it but I am sure I will be looked after, never considered anyone else.

Raining most of tomorrow so should be interesting. Exige is resting again as I melted the gear cables at Donny on Monday. Trying to find some replacements…

I am popping over Donno today to have a look at the BaT R300 that they have offered me. (Jonnyfox your fault)

I am also interested to see how the Supersport ones do as well if there are any there.

winthatt- what colour is your car? i will say hello while i am there :slight_smile:

Good to meet you and Sean. Shame about the poor guy who’s 340r had a fit. I hope it was just a drive shaft gaiter which went at pretty much the same point as mine did on he Exige a couple of years ago.

My car turns out to be white but it is black wrap with yellow stripes, 125bhp and road tyres. It was great fun sliding all over the place first thing and then getting some grip when it dried out, I would never have risked that in the Exige. The gearbox is a revelation, super precise. If you want to go fast I would say the Academy spec is a bit slow but apparently there is some upgrade that makes it 140bhp, Greg was trying to tempt me but I refuse to go beyond a basic academy until I can get the max from it.