Back in an S2 at Last

After nearly 3 1/2 years I have an Exige again and it feels good :smiley:

very cool, NA one?

Yup NA Sport Pack :wink:

That’s lovely,…welcome home :sunglasses:

that looks mint

Yay Marcus welcome home. Don’t let the Mrs anywhere near it (I presume she’s forgotten her login lol).

Thanks Guys :slight_smile:
@Jonny Ha Ha I might struggle with that, as it is half hers. I’m sure she’ll be along soon to say hello.
You’ve had an eventful time while I was away!!
I worked my way through the 88 page build thread the other day, Strong Work!! A shame it ended the way it did :cry:
How’s the new build coming? I couldn’t see a thread?
Cheers Marcus

Mwahhh haa haa haaa, presume nothing, she’s never far away!!!
The Mrs is also very happy to be back in an orange beasty, back to where it all started almost 10 years ago.
Little did we know how addictive these cars would be, and once you’ve lived with them it’s difficult to not come back to them eventually! (For us anyway)
Looking forward to fun times once again
:wink: :thumbup: :clap:

Welcome back Jules :smiley:

Yep modified it to death but a whole load of eduction learned. I particularly miss the lightweight handling but mostly I still crave that banshee wail to 9k. Still yes I have an S1 now. I’ve started the rebuild and will put a thread up when I have time. The front end would have been finished prior to Easter but I had a few issues with the powder coat on the wishbones and removing the AC isnt quite so straightforward. Saying that it’ll get done soon enough. Hope to have the engine out, back end cleaned up, rear subframe galvanized and gearbox rebuilt by summer. It’s an OEM adventure, almost :wtf:

Sounds good, I look forward to reading about it :wink:

Is this my next exige??

Hi Marcus, I bought your green exige from you. It’s now somewhere in deepest Australia. I’m currently looking for another after realising the error of my ways and selling it for an Evo.

Hope you are both well…