Awesome bit of footage

Remember seeing this the first time round.

F1 isn’t like that anymore

great bit of footage Sean, Well found

Brilliant, thats the way it should be. Its just like a high speed kart race.

I remember it the first time too.

Murray Walker and the late James Hunt commentating. How I wish they were still going today…

Thanks a million Sean, I was 2 when that happened, so it�s the first time I�ve seen such incredible bit of racing, it really has given me a new appreciation for divers of that era, and for what the sport we all love really real means.

Thanks again


fantastic footage,proper racing.
if only kimi and alonso would do that

It was a good one, but it’s still possible to see racing even better than that.

It’s called Moto GP

[quote]Brilliant, thats the way it should be. Its just like a high speed kart race. [/quote]

Ah, but though Mansell was clearly faster, he couldn’t get past, as Monaco is such a ridiculous place to hold an F1 race.

Now, if you want to see what is possible when there are no walls at the edge of the track, take a look at what, to my mind is still unsurpassed in F1 (you may want to take a sedative beforehand to steady your nerves if you are the type who identifies with the drivers):

[url=<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … villeneuve”>Villeneuve vs Arnoux - 1979 French GP (David Hobbs comments) - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>]>ultimate F1 duel

Remember seeing this the first time round. >

Bloody hell! One of my all time favourite races. Does everyone remember Mansell collapsing and having to be held up on the podium? Always up for a bit of theatrics was Nige… (although I’m sure he was absolutely knackered)

I was thinking that. Loved Mansell but I remember the theatrics. He used to get out of the car all sweating and puffing like he had just been wrestling with sharks and Arytn used get out like he had just taken his dog for a walk…great footage and to hear James and Murrey again…Oh the memories. Also loved the GP’s in the 70’s. No manicured grass and run off zones. If you went off you were in a farmers field full of sheep. Health and safety…who needs it…this is when men were men.

Ah, but though Mansell was clearly faster, he couldn’t get past, as Monaco is such a ridiculous place to hold an F1 race.

He wasn’t faster, Senna was toying with him, knowing he couldn’t get passed. He said as much.

A great spectacle though.


[quote] [url=<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … villeneuve”>Villeneuve vs Arnoux - 1979 French GP (David Hobbs comments) - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>]>ultimate F1 duel [/quote]

An even better spectacle!

Never been quite sure if it’s good or bad driving though.


I do like the blue flag shown to Senna (almost exactly 2 mins in) by the marshall who clearly couldn’t believe two front runners could be that close.


Cheers Sean

never seen that before… todays cars can’t get that close to each other… mores the pity. Notice who was 4th…

I wouldn’t say its was ‘awesome’ footage, classic perhaps. Even back then evryone knew it was joke to be racing around the streets of Monaco in such beasties, 15yrs later it is still a joke!!

now teh second bit of footage is awesome…them boys really wanted it and it was only for second place!!