Numpty question!

I cannot seem to get my AVTAR to load onto the site…!

Any clever computer types who could help out? I have an image on ‘putfile’ 80 by 80 that I put in the Avtar url line, but no joy!


Are you sure the link is correct? It shows as


But that doesn’t work in a browser which it should

As above i think its just the link is wrong.

I use photobucket for all pics and never had a problem with them, might be worth a go if the link is right.

Photobucket worked!

Cheers guys!

Hope the Avtar was worth it!


As above i think its just the link is wrong.

I use photobucket for all pics and never had a problem with them, might be worth a go if the link is right.

Yep well worth it, it’s an S1

Can you post that pic full size so we can really enjoy it?

Here we go! [image]http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg155/757pete/EXIGEphotosOct2007063.jpg[/image]



There’s a fly spoiling the second shot…


And the hatch is open

Just keeping the fly warm on a cold day!

There’s a fly spoiling the second shot…

I’m sure someone can photoshop it out, after the miracles that have been worked on some of the other recent pictures

God im bored .



You have killed my pet fly you b…d!

PLEASE PLEASE bring him back to life… larger than life!



You have killed my pet fly you b…d!

PLEASE PLEASE bring him back to life… larger than life!


Yeah, I liked the fly too!