Autotorque.. the second challenge

I’ve applied for cover again via their website… let’s see how long it is before I get a reply !

if you ring them direct, found they were really helpful. not even worth bothering with the web though, never had any joy contacting them through it.

As if by magic (or Pesky tipping them off ) I just had a call confirming receipt of my quote request.

Fingers crossed on a good quote, they were competetive on their last quote.

Mine is just coming up too. Suprise suprise Adrian Flux, my current insurer, has put in a renewal thats more expensive tan last year. Looks like another couple of days phoning around for me .

was with flux with chaucer ins co. went through autotorque, my renewal came in,quote cam in at �800 with chaucer through autotorque, renewal was �1400 lol. Beat their own quote!

Autotorque got back to me before the end of work-hours today, with a very good quote (considering I have 6 points, and no NCD that I can apply, and that is for an Audi engined car).

Thumbs up I say !

Just put in my info on the website. Hopefully they will ‘quote me lucky’ too .

Best quote they could give me was over 3K!!!

I will never understand insurance as long as I live… apparently I have to be 28+ to get a decent quote through them but WTF has that got to do with anything? I’m willing to place a bet that I will end up paying less than I did last year (�830) after a day on the phone.

Oh well, they obviously tried hard enough so the get the thumbs up anyway.

Just had my quote renewed by Autotorque… �677

Not complaining at all!!!

Well I’ve just insured my 240R with First Alternative for �536.
Autotorque couldn’t get anywhere near it.

And yes, I have it in writing from them that it is a 240R they’re covering!

Well happy


Including track cover?! Surely not?

where do u live and how old r u ?
i would guess a remote island poulation 3 and about 55yrs top quote

Mr Nagle is in Hertforshire if memory serves… and he’s not toooo old

Mr Nagle is in Hertforshire if memory serves… and he’s not toooo old

But is he going to track it or just polish it?

Does he dare take it on track with all those pesky converted Exiges

Heheheh…main purpose of the car is track chaps and look forward to seeing you all there

Isn’t that something the better half does somewhere in the house lol?

The insurance quote does not cover track, I have a separate policy for that from a company that eludes me at the moment (I’m at home all doc’s in the office) but it costs a further �250 approx a year (unlimited events, Europe included) but has an excess of around �2k

However if you seriously bend it it’s worth it of course.

I’m in Hertfordshire (as Mr. Admin correctly remembers…how are you mate?) and I’m 46 (so too old for an Exige lol).

Heheheh…main purpose of the car is track chaps and look forward to seeing you all there

Splendid - would be a crime not to

…I have a separate policy for that from a company that eludes me at the moment (I’m at home all doc’s in the office) but it costs a further �250 approx a year (unlimited events, Europe included) but has an excess of around �2k

Oh I’d be interested in knowing who they are please? And how much the cover is for. �250 will get you about one days cover with that Edgar [whoever] bunch, and the road cover that includes trackdays has a similar excess.


…I have a separate policy for that from a company that eludes me at the moment (I’m at home all doc’s in the office) but it costs a further �250 approx a year (unlimited events, Europe included) but has an excess of around �2k

Oh I’d be interested in knowing who they are please? And how much the cover is for. �250 will get you about one days cover with that Edgar [whoever] bunch, and the road cover that includes trackdays has a similar excess.


Sorry fellas talking out of my ar5e (not unusual)

My track cover policy is a “pay as you go” thing, which last year cost me �280 'cos I didn’t do many days at all (no car, family comitments etc etc).
It’s about �60 an event and was provided by Autotorque.

After my quote of �536 from First Alternative, I ended up having to stick with Autotorque at �689 as they for some reason cannot provide me with proof of enough NCB

BTW FA’s quote for a std S2 Exige (for me, 46) is �447.00.

I’ll get me coat…


