Autosport baby

A few of us there on Thursday :thumbup:

I am there on Sunday, my son rather likes the ladies and the computer games.

Looking forwards to going on Thu :thumbup:

I’ll be there on the friday.

Saturday for me

Friday :slight_smile:

I’ll be there on Thursday…

Long way to come, looking for anything special for your project?

Maybe Sunday

I’m in Wales right now, so I thought I might look around. Are you interested in meeting up?

Yes should be able to, will PM later next week.

I will be there on Saturday with my son.

He really enjoyed the live arena last year, hence why i am going at the weekend.

Random pictures.

Very nice , bit gutted I’m not there this year , was it busy ?

Was planning to go tomorrow . . . but £36 entry’s a bit stiff. Man U v Liverpool on Sky won out.

I bought a ticket for Friday and arranged to go with a couple of my friends. I’ve ended up with the flu so I couldn’t go. Bloody typical

Just returned - what a great day out, thoroughly enjoyed it :slight_smile:

Highlight for me had to be the display of Lotus 49’s :clap:

Lotus was well represented in the halls…

Was busy but comfortable…

Ford GT was an event in itself.