Automatic notifications? Admin help needed.

I am being sent lots of automatically generated emails telling me someone has replied to a topic/thread that I’ve replied to. Is this a new thing as it has not happened before?

Anyway, it is a PITA. I want to switch it off but clicking on the link suggests I will lose access to that part of the forum (Meets and Track day reports in this case). Obviously I don’t want to lose access to any part of the site so what the solution?
Here’s a copy of the email I keep getting:-
Hello tim_marra,
You are receiving this notification because you are watching the forum, “Meets + Track Day Reports” at “”. This forum has received a new reply to the topic “Anglesey 2015” since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the last unread reply, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.
If you want to view the topic, click the following link:
If you want to view the forum, click the following link:
If you no longer wish to watch this forum you can either click the “Unsubscribe forum” link found in the forum above, or by clicking the following link:
Thanks, The Management

Any suggestions?


Click the unsubscribe link in the top left corner of the thread…

Thanks! Never noticed it before so i’ll be careful i don’t accidently select it again :blush: