Austria day trip & sjw's phone number?

Can someone please PM me sjw’s mobile number?

They are in Austria today and tomo and I feel like another ‘short’ drive looooool

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

PM sent :mrgreen:

Thanks Rob!! :thumbup: :clap:

10 hour return trip to meet sjw and group. Game on!

Leaving at 4am, target to meet them at 9:30am, drive all day in the mountains, drive back to BP at night in time for Monday morning meeting :smiley:

Fantastic - enjoy & drive carefully…may be a few unexpected pedestrians :wink:

20.5hrs seat/driving time! :open_mouth: :crazy: ~1500 kms for the day.

Left at 4am, back safe just before 2am Monday. Good company, some nice roads, a couple of adventurous moments, and a conversion to the looks of the S3 Exige V6 LF1. Ishys beast looks great, esp in my mirrors. With the supercharger he is uncatchable once in front :laughing:

New suspension works excellent, Evora seats continue to deeply impress, and I love the brakes every time I get to use them hard.


Looks like an excellent but big day out Pierre! Sorry I couldn’t join you.

You’ve got to figure out how to get that Evora roof off :wink:

Loving all the roof off action!

Wonderful,Pierre. Titanic effort. A Nyloc euro tour is something special.

Really looking forward to doing a trip like this in the future, just need to get these houses built and sold first :wink:

We could have a northern Exiges trip, using one of sjw’s routes(copyright reserved). We’d have a great time, provided Tim can get up on time each day! :unamused:

Didn’t you sleep in last sunday Thommo :wink:

We could call it " The hills are alive to the sound of music" trip part 1 :laughing:

More of a " doze-in" really :blush:

Bloody hell - 12 in a bed!

Solo, Mrs T at a gin festival…in Burnley :unamused:

Great to see you again Pierre you most be crazy to do that drive!

This year’s trip has had a couple of incidents
More about that later but today we encountered this

Just like home, eh?