Ashby Folville (Pics)

I went to Ashby Folville this evening to the monthly classic or “interesting” car meet. It’s an amazing place to visit if you get the opportunity.

Only 2 exiges were there. An ivory NA S2 and mine flying the flag.

Heres a few pics








Is this a monthly occurance or a one off? Not too far from me.

every month

I might pop along to that, looks good!

I was there, your car looked stunning

is that the last one built ?

Thanks and yes i beleive its the last one.

Is this a monthly occurance or a one off? Not too far from me.

whens the next one ?

we could maybe have a few S1 exiges turn up ?

second tuesday evening of the month. So the 10th June.

second tuesday evening of the month. So the 10th June.

LOT evening session at Donny that night so maybe next time for me.

Yes nice car mine is the 111s just down from you its a must
this event cars & bikes on the way back called in to see martin and steve working on Pesky car .
Eddie .

…on the way back called in to see martin and steve working on Pesky car .
Eddie .

Hope you didn’t stop them from beavering away, for too long!

Eddie, you & Sue coming to Le Mans Classic this year?

PS Next time you call in, take some Meguires, & slap it on me mota please!

Hi Rob No but i did help after tea and cakes .

No were not going to the classic lemans this year but were going to goodwood festival of speed instead this year .

Polish and did you want the wheels cleaning aswell ?


Polish and did you want the wheels cleaning aswell ?


Taken as read, mate, so get to it!