As much info as possible

Hi all

I am looking to purchase an exige and i need to know some info…from the people in the know.

From 2006 onwards, does the exige have a diferent engine.

I have been told that from 2006 it now uses a honda engine whereas before it had the MG rover engine.

Is this true?

Many Thanks


S1 Exiges - K-series, often removed and the cars converted to Honda or Audi.

S2 Exiges - various power derivatives of Toyota.

S2 in naturally aspirated form = 189 bhp
S2 in S/C form = 220 bhp
S2 later models come in 240/255 also.
All Toyota engines

Hi theres lots of information out there now on the web a search on Evos site

pulled up a few intresting threads and some of our resident experts should be able to help you sort out fact from fiction

Any thoughts on colour budget spec? will you be taking it on track? daily driver? etc etc these are all questions you need to ask yourself

there were about 543 RHD S1 Exiges built and about 3900 S2 variants so far

There were [color:“red”]about[/color] 543 RHD S1 Exiges built

Where does this 543 RHD S1’s come from? According to Evo, there were 583 S1’s in total, meaning that only 40 LHD were built, which doesn’t sound right. Personally I always assumed the total build was 601, as 601 was the last chassis number.


Thanks for all the help.

When i said a honda engine i ment toyota.

But i’m sure you guys knew that already

I was just being a total Exige novice

Many Thanks


Personally I always assumed the total build was 601, as 601 was the last chassis number.

Same here… either way, it means they’re 5x rarer than the S2 Elise coupe, I mean Exige.

Have you considered an S1 Duncan ?

Same here… either way, it means they’re 5x rarer than the S2 Elise coupe, I mean Exige.

err… 6.50x AND counting