Arqray from the US.

please note guys,any orders from the usa are cheaper posted
usps…normaly no tax!!!

Hope to be testing that out soon ta

I think you will be struggling to convince UK Customs that a friggin weighty big box, contains something of zero value (unless it’s a shipment of the now infamous thundering horses)

please note guys,any orders from the usa are cheaper posted
usps…normaly no tax!!!

just what is usps?

e-mail me;[email protected]
should have told ozz when he got his…

e-mail me;> [email protected]
should have told ozz when he got his…

Now you tell me

I think you will be struggling to convince UK Customs that a friggin weighty big box, contains something of zero value (unless it’s a shipment of the now infamous thundering horses)

Might work if it’s labeled “SAMPLE”.


Might work if it’s labeled “SAMPLE”.


Or if the sender drops a birthday card in the box with it. You guys do have birthdays, don’t you?

like a commercial organisation is going to do anything like that…

like a commercial organisation is going to do anything like that…

Probably not. Depends on the size of the supplier. If they mark the commercial invoices as samples or warranty parts and No Commercial Value you might get away with it. Not that I would encourage anyone to defraud the Crown of course…

like a commercial organisation is going to do anything like that…

Certainly not if you don’t ask. You might be surprised though - I’ve got a few greys and last year I sourced parts from Germany, Italy, Japan, Thailand, and the UK. Never once paid a duty here - everything from crankshafts to brake lines and my suppliers have always been accomodating.

like a commercial organisation is going to do anything like that…

Just ask. Most aftermarket suppliers a small firms. Mostly run by the owner and a small staff. Most of the time I got the reply: No problem, I like the taxman as much as I like my next door neighbour…

Imported my share of goods from the US this way. Fake invoices also do the trick. How would customs know if the exhaust costs $1.000 or $300??

Not encouraging this, but hey, I am dutch. Paying as less taxes as possible is national sport #1.


Can’t believe what I’m reading here on a public forum

Surely, you’ve not forgotten the problems caused by a “certain supplier”, of stuff for our cars, from the USA, who was doing that, or understating the true value of the goods. UK Customs got wind of it, & the customers here had to cough up. At the end of the day, Customs will make an educated guess at the value & levy their charges accordingly.

UK Customs must be smarter than Dutch customs then…

UK Customs must be smarter than Dutch customs then…

They eat different cake, unfortunately

UK Customs must be smarter than Dutch customs then…

They eat different cake, unfortunately