Are we liking the new NSX?

There I was about to say it looked like a funked up cross between an R8 and McLaren but Autoexpress beat me to it -

I quite like what looks like an efficient chassis/powertrain layout, and the bits that seem to come as standard.

The front driveshaft angles remind me of something …

I really like that, looks like electric front drive?

yea three leccy motors; one for each front wheel and a 3rd on the petrol motor

yeah given an even price the ford is better looking, but this is like a poor(er) mans P1 for cooking spec 911 money

Looks lovely I think!

LOL. Caused by dropping a different engine in? :slight_smile:

It does look great!

Yes would like one of them.
Honda supercars are very underrated and perhaps the styling can be a little???
But this looks very desirable

Looks way too fussy to me, or am i just getting too old? I prefer the more classy understated look :nerd:

suppose that’s why people buy black, but yea it’s fussy

I’m more interested in the drivetrain tho

I need to earn myself more money, only then am I going to have a full on mid life crisis.

Ditto to the Tims

I think it looks good.
Then again, I liked the original NSX…

I love the original NSX-R. I’ve seen one a couple of times (last time in the car with Ian IIRC!) and they exude that ‘specialness’ that we are so familiar with. As for the new one,…from the pics it looks a bit over-styled to my eye.

I wonder how the Fenn’s are getting on with their NSX-R that is the stablemate of the M/S Elise?

Saw this on PH for those that missed it :sunglasses:

Wow thats some seirous on the limit driving, Love it! :slight_smile:

Sub-8min 'Ring lap forwarded by a cheese advert, what’s not to like! :smiley:

Cheese advert? I got one from a florist on how to use box junctions. :slight_smile: