AP Racing Brakes - Exige S2

Set of Front AP Racing Calipers and Disks for Exige S2. Good condition with hoses. �900

I’d like to make you an offer, but can you let me know how old mileage etc? Is it the same as the Lotus kit?


these are better than the lotus kit in that they have a more even braking surface, apparently on account of their number of pistons…according to plans.

I did about 6k miles mostly motroway and 2 trackdays on them.

They absolutely transform the car in terms of braking efficiecy and power.You can brake a second or more later and there is a lot more feel!

Let me have your email address and I’ll mail you the pictures.


these are better than the lotus kit in that they have a more even braking surface, apparently on account of their number of pistons…according to plans.

Eh? Both are the same 4 pot AP calipers. Perhaps Plans fit bigger rotors though? See below from Plans Website:

[color:“blue”] Four Pot AP Big Brake Conversion
Vauxhall VX, S1 or S2 Elise/Exige
Price mail order �1680.80 Price fitted From �1804

We can supply and fit the AP upgrade kit for the Vauxhall VX and Elise/Exige S2. These come with either red or black four-pot calipers. In addition, we can supply and fit anything through to a full-race brake set up, including bias pedal boxes, master cylinder upgrades, calipers, discs, bells, caliper mounting brackets, bolts, pads, and hoses.


Possibly different spec discs to the Lotus kit, but as Pesky says, I’d doubt the calipers are different…

Guys I’m pretty but not absolutely sure that the Lotus Motorsport ones are different to the ones Plans fit! We need to ask Big G!

I’m not convinced it will make any difference to me in the long run, please send me some pictures and I will make you an offer

send me a pic too please

Hell I’ll have a pic too if they’re free!

Hell I’ll have a pic too if they’re free!

Only as long as you don’t sell it for a profit

Hell I’ll have a pic too if they’re free!

Only as long as you don’t sell it for a profit

Dammit! Sussed!

calm down fellas! Profit is good Pesky…what kind of accountant are you?

calm down fellas! Profit is good Pesky…what kind of accountant are you?

An old one!

Where’s these pics then??

calm down fellas! Profit is good Pesky…what kind of accountant are you?

He’s actually one of those dodgy financial advisors

He’s actually one of those dodgy financial advisors

Nah, I’m not a financial adviser (dodgy or otherwise), that’s best left to the professionals (Nigel?).