Anyone watching F2 this year?

As above. Just watched Saudi race. Nose to tail, battles on every corner. Better than F1

Nope, but its been a while since I have been to F1 so planning on Bahrain/Saudi double header next year.

I absolutely love Bahrain as a place.

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Much better than the F1. Off to Silverstone this year again and more excited about the f2 than the media show that’s f1.

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I’m an F2 watcher, great racing :+1:t3:

No, I have up with F1 etc a while ago. However been getting into WEC more and more.over the past few years. Closer racing, multi classes. Awesome looking cars. It’s great.

I’m taking a closer interest in WEC too. Always watch Le Mans but making an effort with other reaches now.

WEC went very stale until recently. The resurgence of the hypercar category and new manufactures has really spiced things up.

It does seem to have gotten much better. I’m glad LMP2 has gone for a larger Hypercar/GT mix.