anyone got ?

hi looking for a black s1 at the moment,or pics of one so i know what im buying looks like,be most grateful to see,currently own a black s2 but want to continue the exigenesssss in me ! many thanks and cheers

Here’s some of my first exige before it was ruined black is a top colour for an s1 [image][image][/image][/image] [image][image][/image][/image]

ahhh superb mate cheers for that

How come every one is after an S1 these days?

Wonder what ever happened to that BRAND NEW one Paul Matty were selling???

Would love a really mint, original black one again

i need some counselling i think

Good to see pics of “The Crab” again

As it’s at Anglesey, was it going forwards, backwards, or doing a twirl?

Want to borrow an anorak to help you pull through before the counselling?

Good to see pics of “The Crab” again

you can even see the rear diffuser

you can even see the rear diffuser


Good to see pics of “The Crab” again

Yep its had some stick over the years, if only you lot had let me get on with selling it, instead of dragging me into this web of exige anorakism

Good to see pics of “The Crab” again

Yep its had some stick over the years, if only you lot had let me get on with selling it, instead of dragging me into this web of exige anorakism