Anybody fancy Donington on Nov 10th or 11th?

I should have my car back soon! :smiley:

Anybody fancy a late-year Donny runout either Fri 10th or Sat 11th Nov?

Ian :slight_smile:

Sorry Ian, I’m done now for the year.

A few of us will be there on the 25th if you fancy that?

Gav will be there on the 10th, I am also thinking of booking the 10 th

Sadly I’ve now got a 3-line whip for 10th. :frowning: I’ll book for then if it falls through.

25th I’m landing from SA at 05:30 on my son’s birthday weekend, so that’s not looking good.

Anybody else for the 11th?

Booked…see you there Gav

Great pic Ian, but sorry to see the damage. I thought the Honda driveshaft issue was a thing of the past.

I hope your car didn’t suffer much (or even any) gravel rash?

expensive way to apply grease on the new dampers to stop any corrosion Ian!!!

looks like the circlip has come off the driveshaft allowing it to walk out of the CV ??

Gravel was fine. Shaft, well so did I! Lots of effort went into that. I’m hoping it was just a remaining already damaged inner CV. We’ll see.

That sounds like a cheap fix!..if nothing else got broken in the process.

I was expecting to see this guy in the last one…

Hope you get it sorted once and for all Ian.

Ta. It HAS to be closer!!!