Another new boy

Another one in the list of " Just got my new car " I’ve brought Trevor Gravestock’s Silver Exige. Seeing as he’s done pretty much everything to it I’ll just have to enjoy it. And I am [image][/image]. Has anyone been on a SELOC run. I’m in Essex and wondered if anyone had any previous experience with them. Cheers Rob

Hi Rob,Just started the new thread "How practical…"Be interested to hear how you are finding it.Enjoy!Cheers,Al

Congrats ! Trevors Exige is a great car, and very well dialed in! Would be interested as to how you get on with the Ultra close ration box!-Gman

Would be interested as to how you get on with the Ultra close ration box! - Is this a new exreme type of small lunch box container? [image][/image]Phil GT

Yeah, it comes with the extreme micro banana blender with wide throttle adjustment…