Another hello from Cumbria

Hi everyone :wave: ,

A quick post to say hello, and if you are ever passing over Hardknott call in for a cuppa. I’m in Eskdale Green and not new to Lotus ownership - I had a Blue and White SportsRacer for 6 years and some while ago before that a 7. Currently got a V6 Exige which I only took delivery of a couple of weeks ago.

So it seems there are a lot of northern folk hanging about on here - great as I’ve been trying to work out where everybody is in the various cars I see driving around!



I live in Whitehaven, so if you are ever calling by feel free to call round.

Is Hardknott Pass Lotus freindly still, i haven’t been up there in a long time?

Not sure Tim. The last time I went over there I swore it would be the last. The surface was terrible. As for meeting up - sure thing!

Hi and welcome Paul, we have met once at a meeting we had at the lakeland motor museum. How are you finding the V6. I have traded my old Exige in for a V6 a couple of months ago and love it.
Did you get yours from Oakmere group?

I did indeed and hello again. Sadly the only miles it’s done are the ones on the journey back. A combination of working away and crap weather (snow, hail, ice, torrential rain - you get the picture) have kept it in the garage. That being said the drive home was terrific. I can’t quite believe how different the car feels and I don’t mean the obvious engine differences. It’s a completely different thing altogether :smiley:

Hi Paul welcome to the best forum. I am 9 miles east of Carlisle. Bet you cant wait to get out in the new V6 just shame the weather is so crap at the moment.

Hi Paul,

Welcome to exiges :sunglasses:

Get yourself booked onto our annual trackday at Anglesey on Good Friday, it would be fantastic to see some V6s on circuit this year. I don’t think we had a single one last year!