Another day with the motor

After a week staring at the car without being able to drive it, I managed a brisk run today. Discovered that cow sht is thrown up the sides at even greater velocity than on the 111S. And is just as difficult to shift.The previously unchipped paintwork now appears peppered as the AO 48s seem to pick up and throw minute particles of grit at sand-blasting speed aginst the coachwork.
Looks like this car will take a lot more looking after. Had to get a jet wash to shift the sh
t. Don’t suppose this is news to all you old hands . . .

Welcome to the wonderful world of Exige ownership - making upa set of front mudflaps will help greatly.

I would avoid using a jet wash, as the high pressure jet could could cause further damage to any stone chipped area of your car (however small).

I use P21s wax, its good stuff and things like cow sh!t comes off easy
It�s not a hard wearing wax but leaves a good shine if you like that sort of thing.


mmm… shiney…

is that exige in yer drawing room ?

Looks like the back of a garage door to me (although I have to admit to having the same thought when I first saw it ).

Hey Rox, you have a ‘drawing room’ to compare it to?!


you mean a bit like this :


Whilst googling I found the Northern Ireland office whose defined the drawing room as being one of the most used rooms in th ehouse, hosting many receptions, pre-dinner drinks, and meetings… don’t know about that but when i’m in there i’m always getting hailed ‘YOUR TEA’s READY’… LOL