Anyone know this firm ??? They made another conversion for elise… interesting… can it beat the honda or audi??? Info is appreciated…
(1 more year and I will have another engine…but which???)))
Anyone know this firm ??? They made another conversion for elise… interesting… can it beat the honda or audi??? Info is appreciated…
(1 more year and I will have another engine…but which???)))
You’re not the first to spot it - see here
Ops… I guess im reading to fast…Thanks for letting me know… (I better think twice before posting next time… )
Its the same with the movies… I can watch 1 movie and I have already forgot it the next day… But with the movies its kind of nice… Just need one best seller… and I can watch it over and over again and its still just as exciting…
… Anway …there should been a way to delete ure own posts…