annual forum suggestion...

this year I’m aiming for low hanging fruit…

Let’s upgrade from v3.0 to v3.2 phpBB • Free and Open Source Forum Software

Main feature I think we’d benefit from is the use of the google spec ‘capcha’ for bot filtering, so we can allow people to sign up without a mod authing.

Making the forum private would be good , i have seen some of my photos from the for sale section on a FB page in China claiming they are selling them , anyone can rip anything and see what people have & where .

They steal them from photobucket as well, it is very hard to stop unless you put a copyright logo on them :frowning:

Come on now, who really give a $hit about the internet fakes??

If you walk down the street and see some chancer trying to flog some obvious tat as the real deal, you would just walk on wouldn’t you, so why get all het up and stressed just 'cause it appears on your PC screen :crazy:

Common sense applies in all walks of life :wink:

Not really sure what you mean , its more about security & nothing to do with fakes , as it stands anyone online can see who has what and where without being a member , not just stuff for sale , i would say thats why most car forums are private for members only , I’m not “stressed” at all, it was just a suggestion on a suggestion thread .

There are definitely some aspects of the forum that should be more secure, everything in the real world section for sure IMO.

People can see online what you have and where if you disclose the information. If the information can be had from knowing a reg plate then every car on the road could be a target.

You have a car to sell. You have the car, the keys, and all the documents. How can you lose out if someone somewhere in the world tries to advertise it and sell it as one of their own, when all they have is a few pics and details from the internet, or a reg plate? How could this be a concern for the true owner?

Or am I missing something?

Making this place even less accessible to newbies than it already is will not bode well for its future.

Most have these days Tim. MLOC, Seloc, Lotus Forums have login’s and security surely it can’t be a bad thing. Anyway it’s just the owners cars and events that I feel need it.

Does anybody know David (Admin5’) and could speak to him?

Try a PM? I can see he last visited the site 1st Dec 2016 so he does visit even if not to post :slight_smile:

Pesky might have a number?

Afraid not, sorry.