Anglesey weather watch


Still, it’s Anglesey and anything can happen. :slight_smile:

Best to rely on the BBC,I find. But will have to wait for their predictions. . .

I have ordered good weather :thumbup:

They don’t go that far out yet. But next Thurs is currently…
Mixed weather.png

You seemed to have ordered all weathers. Please cancel some. :wink:

Everything crossed for a dry day like the ones we’ve historically been blessed with.

A bit of rain is good and should be embraced as an opportunity to explore the dynamics of your vehicle at slower speeds,…or hoon around like an eejit :smiley:

That icons seems to sum up Anglesey nicely, just need a snowdrop on it LOL

Accuweather is saying partly sunny with just a 1% chance of rain - I’m going with that!

That’s an improvement on yesterday! :slight_smile:

Yeah, but I’d kinda want an LSD for that…oh. hang. on. :smiley:

Or in my case get absolutely p1ss wet through :slight_smile:

I’ve got a Sparco rain suit (think body condom) that you can have Adam. I’ve never used it as with the tonneau and half door on the R300 you don’t actually get wet. Small donation to our charity fund secures it. I’ll chucknit in the car for Anglesey.

Of course if you wear it you’ll look like a human condom :smiley:

Yep you’ll look like a cock,…but a dry cock :laughing:

- YouTube

Just made myself laugh with this :slight_smile:

Thanks Ben.

:laughing: yep that’s it with a Sparco badge on it!

I’ll try and remember to find it and chuck it in the car bud.

Another classic :laughing:

Starting to look better :smiley:

[I’m talking about the weather, not however you’d describe what the thread turned into!]

Apple weather app says sun with cloud and 11 deg. so I am going with that and not going to look anymore. :smiley:

Quite right, too