Anglesey Weather forecast

One or two queries regarding the weather for Monday…

The MSN forecast on my phone is showing light rain on Monday. In contrast to this the Met Office shows rain will be heavier with maybe a touch of sleet. Does anyone have any different information. Light rain could mean a really good time on track, not that I am driving of course… :crazy:

Update; BBC shows heavy rain and gusty wind, although that could just be the Sunday night curry…

I have tried the ITV weather too, but when I see Becky Mantin I can’t take my eyes off her and I miss the forecast :laughing:

Haha - like it Tim.

I always get distracted by Lucy Verasamy ( and also the weather girl with one arm to be fair )

Either way it’s gonna be damp I fear!!!

Change of tyres methinks

Might have to be a change of car for me :frowning:

Wet weather trackdays are an opportunity to improve car control - embrace it. One of my best trackday memories ever is me and DaveP in Caterhams at a wet, cold, empty Anglesey at the end of October a couple of years back :sunglasses:

I used to loathe wet days,…now I love ‘em!

I know what you mean Benja- they do scare me somewhat, plus my tyres are quite worn - this was going to be their last before I replace them.

Lucy Verasamy…Mmmmm :smiley:

Lucy Hairyarmies :lolno: But a fine lady nonetheless :wink:

Sky News is suggesting snow for England and Wales on Monday. I’ll try to embrace the car control opportunity but past experience tells me a 2-Eleven set up for dry weather is a slippery pig in the wet on unsuitable tyres.

Might be a good opportunity to unwind the TC dial and explore.

I believe I have a Caterham taster session, so it won’t be a complete waste of a day.

Here’s the accurate forecast for Monday…

I thought the correct term was “wetter than an otters pocket”. Copyright Roger Mellies Profanisaurus?

Every day for the last couple of days the weather forecast has improved from snow>>x2 rain drop>>x1 rains drop. On that basis by Monday it will be blue skies and sunshine :thumbup:

I admire your optimism.

I’ve just watched the MET office video weather forecast for tomorrow and Monday. It looks absolutely treacherous conditions for travelling let alone enjoying a track day :frowning:

Keep the faith guys.

Yeah, well said. I’m still hoping to blag a pax or two :smiley:

One way to save wear on tyres I suppose