Anglesey Tune-Up

A few aero tweaks . . .

Sorry the pic shows the car preparing for take-off! :blush:

What’s in those containers, black pudding?

That’s a bit weird. When I first posted the pic the car was pointing skyward, hence my comment.
And, Tim, black pudding would have been useful ballast seeing as the engine cover repair work was carried out in Bury - home of the finest black puddings - but it was in fact water. Just weights to ensure the stick-um applied by Impact in Bury did stick 'em.

Ooh at Anglesey I will swap you Hungarian winter salami for some of these mythical English biscuits that I always read about :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll try to rustle up some Eccles cakes, a northern delicacy.

Eccles cakes now in stock!

thommo your eccles cakes saved the day in the 340R

Thank you :smiley:

Ate them while waiting for the chunnel and later while contemplating the oil pissing out in Germany.

Please PM me your post address :slight_smile:

Was great to see you again. Hypo says you are the definition of a what most of us want to be - ‘Gentlemen driver’!

I.E: slow!

Many thanks for the kind words. Glad theEccles cakes came in handy. But what’s all this about “pissing oil in Germany”?

PM on its way.

Ah, the 340R gave me a reminder that my mega milage use of Loti is not typical and finds issues quickish.

Close to Dusseldorf I was exploring vmax and rpm limits and found out that an oil cooler line was resting directly against the exhaust manifold. Cue pipe melting and rupturing and many litres of oil pumped out. This was rather exciting. It added 7 plus hours to the trip as I found a tow truck, a friendly garage, hydrolic pipe shop, and cleaned up some of the mess. Poor Evora following got a face full covering of the oil spray. Hypo got quite the racecar experience lol

In his usual humorous way he reminded me while I was making the repairs:

“This is an English car.

Maintained by ENGLISH.

The people with TWO TAPS !”

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It will be stripped, cleaned up, and maintained with Hungarian nuclear engineer standards now. Like the Evora :slight_smile:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Sounds like quite a trip home Pierre. :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s hilarious! - glad you made it back safely guys! - great to see you both

In expectation for the next Anglesey :blush:

The exige spirit is strong in this one :heart_eyes:

Wonderful! Good to hear from you again. Keep logging in, we need more users. Any contributions gratefully received.
We’d have been in Budapest this September but aim to be there next year. Would be great to meet up, virus permitting.

Is there an Exiges day arranged for 2021? Track days are booking up already.