Anglesey Track Day

LRV, via Mike Hill, have booked Anglesey for Sat 13th Oct. So far, Pesky & myself are confirmed - anyone else ?

Like I said on the phone Russ it all depends on the arrival of my new rear rubber, which is on back-order with Lotus. IMO it’s not too clever having an exclusive distributorship and then not having stock! [image][/image] Does anyone know if any tyre dealers out there have the backs in stock should I decide to buy retail? As it stands, I only just have enough rubber for the Donnington on the 24th and then my car’s off the road (I don’t want to stick alternative rubber on)! [image][/image]

same problem with me, Tony. to be honest, don’t know, how I will get home after the track session…

have you asked Dean’s if they have any tyres…the contact details are somewhere on a slick tyre thread…

Not yet Steve but thanks for the reminder, I’ll look them up when I get a minute… [image][/image]

quote:LRV, via Mike Hill, have booked Anglesey for Sat 13th Oct. So far, Pesky & myself are confirmed - anyone else ?Anyone else confirmed for this yet? From my point of view, if Sue’s OK by then then I’ll probably come. I’ll check the current availability with Mike…

Our social secretary, Pesky, is arranging the B&B for the friday night. We should try and get the same place in order to discuss the relative merits of Becks against Stella - anyone up for it?

At the moment I’ve told Mike I’ll be thereThe reason I say at the moment is that I forgot to bring back the Sunday papers from Donnington…“you or Pesky got any ideas on what excuse I can use this time” ?

How about - “I ran out of juice?” [image][/image]

Provisionally booked in and subject to Sue being OK by then (which it looks as though she will be [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]) we’ll see you there! [image][/image]

For those new to Anglesey here’s a complete lap (7.4MB):

God it’s hard …keeping up with you chaps and these different posts. Two things : Mav - you have to go out for a Saturday paper…you have to go on Friday to queue up coz you don’t want to disappoint She WMBO like last time (when the newsagent ran out of the Sundays) AND: how do I put a little smiley in my posts (coz I AM a smiley person) and how do you space your lines out ?

Dear Mr Big LensLine spacing - click on “Reply with quote” icon at top of the individual message to which you are replying.Smilies - When the reply box (into which you are typing your reply) appears, click on the “Smiles Legend” for details [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

Thanks Mr Big lensYou certainly got me my Saturday pass not because of the newspapers but because when I tried your excuse she threw me out and locked the door…so looks like I’ll just have to go to Angelsey…seriously everything’s fine…confirmed the booking with Mike today…just need to confirm the B & B now…hopefully they have some rooms left…see you guys Friday evening…not too sure what time but if your mobiles are on I’ll give you a call or you could possibly call me on 07778 333333 [image][/image] Mav

MavGood news, cu there [image][/image]

Great Keith! See you there! [image][/image]

Tony, why not take something else???By the way, I noticed on Friday that the tow-eye cover is loose on your rear bumper - (maroon car)… [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by duncanjohnson:Tony, why not take something else???By the way, I noticed on Friday that the tow-eye cover is loose on your rear bumper - (maroon car)… [image][/image]Thanks Duncan! And in answer to your question, all of the other toys have got brand new rubber on.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pesky:Dear Mr Big LensLine spacing Smilies Hey Pesky …can’t seem to suss out the smileys at all [image][/image]