Anglesey Southern Nonvoy 2015

Scratch that … gotta be in London Thursday afternoon :frowning:

Can’t make it now, very sadly… seems Anglesey and I are destined to be apart! Have a great trip, and I’ll be following from the other side of the internet.


Ok so who is meeting at Northbound M40 Warwick Services at 11am?

  1. Ade
  2. Steve (Clio)

Muu Senior in a black 997 C4S

  1. Ade
  2. Steve (Clio)
  3. Muu Senior in a black 997 C4S
  4. Bomber
  1. Ade
  2. Steve (Clio)
  3. Muu Senior in a black 997 C4S
  4. Bomber
  5. IDG(Ian)

I think I will see you guys there. My mate isn’t getting to me until around 3pm, so I will see you all in the bar.

I’ve got to get the train to Matt Bentley Racing first thing so I think I’ll have to go straight to Telford. I’ll stay in touch…

Leaving Luton Airport in 20mins.
May be a bit late as sat nav is telling me 11:20 eta.
Pesky has my number if anyone needs it. I don’t have data/internet on my overseas phone here.

I’ll text Ian and tell him you’re running slightly adrift.

Arrived Warwick. Parked end of first aisle as you enter car park.

Ah ha, I see a black 911…

I’m at Warwick - out by Ades car - making phone calls

I’m still at home, about to start packing the car. See you in the bar much later.

I am at Teleford Services but seem to be the only Loti here. Shall I wait or shall I go"? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sporty cafed Clio just pulled up.


Ben & Ian (+others?) were heading to Telford at 11.55, so hang on! :mrgreen:

Still in London … but getting on train right now ! I hope Jonny has packed the car …

Southern convoy now at the premier inn… See you all at the bar…

Northern Convoy fed and " watered" and, in my case, heading for bed.