Anglesey : Season Closer

I have been unable to get an MOT on the Clio as it doesn’t have a function cat, so no more track days this year for me sadly

Ade you need to find an MOT tester than will quickly fit one and remove it!

I have been trying, but my usual guy that does them has retired :frowning:

Hmmmmmmm … mmmm

That said, he should be shipping your set to Martin today.

Came back from a great day at Croft yesterday. Fast, flowing and bumpy track to keep you honest. Evidently the marshals asked BaT why they so rarely visit Croft. I agree. Probably too late for a season closer but what about the season opener as Anglesey is being used by someone else?. It is a small track 2.1 miles, with limited garages but it was really nice to have a place, like Anglesey, not in MSV branding. Chicken curry from the van was really good as well.

There may be noise issues for some but a couple of v6 a Exiges made it round all day. I did not see anyone black flagged for noise.

Yeah it was a really good day and very lucky with the weather.
I was driving the red V6 and just passed the 105 decibel static noise limit,no problem with the drive by either. It was also the usual well run event by bookatrack.

Bet I can hmmmm for a lot longer :frowning:

I’m the guy who came and asked you about how you got on with the noise level. I was driving the black Caterham with the yellow stripe. Your car did sound good but I was amazed it passed the noise check.

LOT use Croft now and again…

Yep nice to meet you and hope you enjoyed the day. It was my brothers Birthday and he hadn’t been on track before, he had a great time :smiley:
I thought that the yellow Caterham and the Indy with the motorbike engine were pretty loud too :wink: