Anglesey 2017 : Southern Convoy

Can’t see any reason not to go for the same plan that seems to have worked for the last couple of years :

11:00 Arrive Northbound M40 Warwick Services
11:30 Depart Warwick Services
13:00 Arrive Westbound M54 Telford Services
14:00 Leave Telford Services for a gentle run to Snowdonia

Getting close now :sunglasses:

Enjoyed it when I last joined the convoy …Evo triangle please.
Should be there.

See you at 13.00 ish.

Gentle run at 14.00 ish. Can a Clio not lead this year?

The best year was when Sean was leading in his racecar :laughing:

See you at 13:00, can’t lead the pack I’d get lost

The Clios will be taking up there expected position, at the back trying to keep up LOL

Can you guys keep up with a 135i from M54 services??

May just about keep up, I’ll turn the boost down to help you out. Phil’s hoping to have his M2 then aswel if he has I’m having to get my other brother to bring the lotus

I will see you at the M54 services as well. No race car this year, will be the Golf R if its raining, or I will let my locks blow in the wind in the Boxster if the sun is out.

sounds good

forgot to book hotel :confused: sold out

You muppet. I’m sharing with Ian. Anyone wanna share a room with Timothy?

I wouldn’t subject anyone to my ‘3 pint in snoring’. John and I have access to a house in Anglesey, so gunna use that I think but might pop over for meal.

Tim, you’re welcome to a share, but I snore for Scotland.

Telford services it should be.

Looks like I’ll see you there.
I doubt I’ll get away until after midday and it’s 4 hours to Telford, so 2 hours behind you.

I’ll meet you at Warwick services now instead

Lads, Ian and I will meet you at Telford. We’re making a small detour to pay our repsects to Mike Stripe en route.

A fine gesture.

I’ll stick to Telford then

How many are we expecting at Warwick services?
