Anglesey 2015 weather watch

Weather channel


Current summary: Borderline, might be a bit of rain, more risk for Thursday journeys

Ian :slight_smile:

ps. Que Pesky to tell us you can never predict the weather in Ty Cros :smiley:

And by popular demand, adding Accuweather…


Weather channel


The wind could dry up the little rain.

Or, if you’re in a Honda powered car it could cause you to crash at the end of a sweeping right-hander and think you’re a teenager. :slight_smile: [Get well soon Alonso]

Alonso update

“Yeah right man, there was like no way I hit my head and became a teenager dude, no matter what that old man Ron said. He can’t do nuffink to me (only my dad can ground me)” the international man of mystery was heard to say

Suggestions of an improving weather picture. :slight_smile:

Yeah BBC reckon chance of light showers in the morning but otherwise looking good. Fingers crossed…

Ye things seem to be improving! Not so much for the start of my journey though - it was snowing in Berlin this morning! :open_mouth:

today is nice!

Yep, the wind will dry everything up by lunch and its direction provide plenty of downforce out of Church. :slight_smile:

Sat here looking out of my office window watching horizontal hailstones coming down in the gailforce winds and hoping it gets a bit better by Friday !

It’ll be all reet on Friday folks :sunglasses:

Don’t forget to bring sunscreen & plenty of water! :mrgreen:

I think free water will be provided, just need something to catch it in…

EVEN BETTER NOW, BBC SAYS NO RAIN AT ALL!!! (I’m going to explode)

Perfect Ian we will go with that forecast :slight_smile:

(Just stopped snowing here :crazy: )

LOL - I just picked up the Evora from Hethel and 10 mins down the road it started hailing! :clap: :unamused:

So I’ve taken one for the exiges’ team - there will only be good weather from now on! :sunglasses:
The landing at mega windy Stansted was interesting…!

BBC Weather now says raining all day until about 3-4pm :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I’m gonna stop looking, accuweather says :

Variable cloudiness with a couple of showers, mainly early in the day