Anglesey 2015 : 2x Additional R300 Slots!!!!

We have two additional slots to enjoy 20mins in one of BookaTrack’s fantastic Caterham R300s absolutely gratis :sunglasses:

If you’re already a paid up driver for Friday but missed out on a slot then post your name up here. Rather than do it on a first-come first-served basis, I’ll leave it open for a bit and then think of some suitably random way of picking 2x winners.

This really is a great opportunity, they are awesome little machines.

Me, me, me, me…


please, begging quite a lot LOL

LOL missed by one, 1st reserve :slight_smile:

“Jason Patel”

Edit, oh its a raffle… Still a chance…

2nd reserve please!!!


Put me and Phil down on the list (we both have a place booked)

Keep 'em coming guys - I thought it fairer to have a bit of a tombola style approach rather than just who looks at exiges when they should be at work :wink:

Why not have a tombola at sign in and get them picked during the briefing ? - people can enter when they sign on…

Bit of excitement…

Please add me to the begging list.

Count me in too

I’ll chuck my name in too :wink:

Make that 3
I am down for a drive but too be honest im not interested!!

Me please :slight_smile:

Can I chuck my cat in the ring please :slight_smile:

Very good of you Dave - its fantastic that 3x more people will get to enjoy an R300.

Good idea DaveP, I’ll see if we can wait to the driver’s briefing but BAT may want to organise the paperwork etc beforehand.

Also see BaT’s standard terms for the R300 activities, yes the excess etc will apply if you’re driving an R300 for free see here.

We had to decide today.

Congrats Ade, Ray and Chris,…you’re the lucky winners.

I have video of the very random selection process, I’ll post it later :smiley:

Isn’t there already a dedicated Sky channel for that?

Wow… won something! Cheers Ben, see you Friday.

Yeah so don’t use dodgy memory in your shiny new GoPro it no worky properly, so I’ll spare you the selection process. Just popping out now to buy some proper memory.

My kids each pulled a name out of a hat so trust me it was completely random.

Sorry to the guys that missed out. Try and grab a pax if you can in an R300 they are awesome. If you fancy a go, then sharing a BatCat for an evening at Donny is good value…you can even upgrade to one of the bonkers 620R 7’s that Jonny now runs :sunglasses: