...and how was your weekend? (Exige in the snow)

Well, snow was left and right from the street, but snow at least… and mountains, fantastic roads and almost no traffic

We’ve tried the Julierpass in Switzerland this time, which leads from Chur in the southeast to St. Moritz. That was a 100km motorway away from where heaven starts - fantastic roads and one of the only passes in Switzerland which is open at this time of the year (not the best one, but open at least…)




It was such a fantastic experience to blow trough the mountains again

…And how was your weekend then?



hot and sunny

Awesome - just slightly better than my weekend

How my weekend was spent

Last drive for the girl before she comes to bits for the winter… CRACKING autumn day, playing around on some back roads down in Hawkes Bay with my old Elise… fantastic to see the two together in their element like that


Sadly, I think I might have killed the VHPD on the way home Time for some open-heart exploratory surgery.

not good @vhpd but fantastic pictures anyway

I wished I had a Lotus when I was in NZ… some fantastic roads you have down there