Airbox pipe

I’ve noticed that the big pipe connected to my airbox (with restrictor thing removed) now dangles down beside the engine - not connected to the air scoop on the n/s rear. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? before I bother contacting my dealer. There’s no airfilter in the end of it so I hope they’ve left the one in inbetween the pipe and the airbox - 500 miles without an air filter wouldnt be particularly good for the engine I suspect!

This is normal and fine…This prevents all the crap from firing into your airsystem…(and also you have lost length off the sytem due to the restrictor being taken out).The exige breathes normally and does not require a scoop to force air in. Hopefully you should have a filter left in the system as it comes out of the factory with two. (This is no where near the intake of the pipe so you won’t see it.)Tim

Phew… [image][/image]Thanks.

The air-hose on my 192-bhp Exige is the same, in that it hangs down into the engine bay rather than the air-scoop. I did play with it and see if the hose would sit nearer the air-scoop, but it’s too thick ! However I did notice the air-filter (made by Pipercross by the way) which sits at the entrance of the air-intake, was full of crap - leaves, grass, kebabs - you name it, it was in there. I cleaned it out with a hoover, but kept the kebab for a rainy day.I had a chat with the Pipercross boys at the NEC the other week, and was quite surprised the cone filter at the end of the air-intake was the only filter on the system (The air-resonator valve has been removed from my car). For some reason I was expecting some kind of filter within the carbon air-box, cos that’s how the system works on my Duke.Oh, am I still a Junior Member… ?

… I think I need to take a good look at the airbox to make sure a filter exists at the entry point then…

Yep. I still am.