Airbag light on:How to fix this?


I have the airbag light ON in an 08 Exige.
The airbags have never deployed and the steering wheel never removed.
I only removed the belt tensioner without removing the electrical connector.

I only have the seatbelt buckle connector removed (2 wires under the driver seat disconnected) but afaik, this circuit is separated from the airbag circuit.

I have read on LT that it might be the spring inside the steering wheel or the belt tensioner.

Is there a way to find out with a tool which component is causing the problem?

How can I test the belt tensioner? I read that it should have a resistance of 2.2 ohms, correct?
How can I check that with my multimeter???

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

Thanks for your help.


Removed my inertia reels and put a resistor across the plug that goes to the reel, To check reel resistance put muli meter across the two pins that the plug fit onto in the reel. I bought the resistors for pennies just bent the wire legs and they fitted perfectly into the reel plug. Then secured with electrical tape to make sure they would not fall out.

Thanks for your reply.

3 questions:

Is there no risk to fire the reel when plugging in the multimeter?
Which resistance value should I read if the tensioner is ok?
Which resistor should I use? 2.2 ohms?


I used to place a 1/2" pice of black tape over the light…works great :smiley:

Can’t remember what resistors I used now as was 3 years ago. As said measure the resistance of the reel. All you are doing is tricking the car to think your reel is still in place.


I found out that the seatbelts are inverted: the driver seatbelt is at the passenger side and vice versa.
Could that be the cause of the airbag light?