Air filter wanted

Does anybody have an air filter that they no longer need, or does any on know where I can get hold of an ITG???

I have a brand new standard S1 cone filter that fits in the Lotus carbon airbox, if that is what you are looking for. I came across it the other day.


What exited you, the cone or some filthy how’s?

Cheers SeanB, how much do you want for it?

or i have an ITG for an S1 elise. the carbon fibre thingymabob. less than a year old

An ITG, I have the upgraded air box with the big pipe to the N/S air intake. Would it fit in line replacing the starndard cone filter???

What exited you, the cone or some filthy how’s?

LOl, you old perv!!!

I don’t really know what they are worth. How does �40 delivered sound?


An ITG, I have the upgraded air box with the big pipe to the N/S air intake. Would it fit in line replacing the starndard cone filter???

i believe so. better ask someone with the big airbox tho, as i had it mounted on the plenum of my elise.

i have seen them fitted on airboxes before tho