Air con

How good is the S2 air con? I ask because not long after I got the car it had to be re gassed as it was not that cool, however now I am finding its crap at de misting the screen… The other day it took ages to shift the condensation and after 10 mins or so driving the outer of the screen was still misty.
I cant test by how cold the air is as its freezing outside anyhow.
So should it be capable of shifting the mist off my windscreen or is this yet another thing to add to my current list of issues.


Mine isn’t very powerful at producing cool air either, but it does its job when it comes to clearing the window from mist, though not instantly…

mine is too cold on max cold, and too hot on max hot, after 11 months… the same as with my n/a Exige before. So get it checked, as when working it is excellent!

The aircon should be used regularly - summat to do with preventing the compressor seals from drying out, then allowing the gas to escape.

The S2 aircon (when working) is excellent, unlike…

The AC may work in GB but it truly sucks in So. Cali. even with a heater core bypass…anyone that said it works great hasn’t drivin it in sunshine with ambient temps above 40*C…oh it may keep a knuckle or two cool…

The AC may work in GB but it truly sucks in So. Cali. even with a heater core bypass…anyone that said it works great hasn’t drivin it in sunshine with ambient temps above 40*C…oh it may keep a knuckle or two cool…

Ambient temps of 40c plus are somewhat rare in the UK for sure

However, had plenty of experience of driving (& sitting in traffic jams for a couple of hours at a time) in & around Le Mans during June/July, when the ambient temp is above 30c - and probably even hotter in a closed car with heat sink. Even the puny S1 aircon provided welcome relief, but that of the S2 was very good indeed.

PS Your knuckles must really get cold - you were wearing gloves in your recent video

How good is the S2 air con? I ask because not long after I got the car it had to be re gassed as it was not that cool, however now I am finding its crap at de misting the screen… The other day it took ages to shift the condensation and after 10 mins or so driving the outer of the screen was still misty.
I cant test by how cold the air is as its freezing outside anyhow.
So should it be capable of shifting the mist off my windscreen or is this yet another thing to add to my current list of issues.


How’s the air circulation set?

How’s the air circulation set?

How do you mean?

The AC may work in GB but it truly sucks in So. Cali. even with a heater core bypass…anyone that said it works great hasn’t drivin it in sunshine with ambient temps above 40*C…oh it may keep a knuckle or two cool…

Ambient temps of 40c plus are somewhat rare in the UK for sure

However, had plenty of experience of driving (& sitting in traffic jams for a couple of hours at a time) in & around Le Mans during June/July, when the ambient temp is above 30c - and probably even hotter in a closed car with heat sink. Even the puny S1 aircon provided welcome relief, but that of the S2 was very good indeed.

PS Your knuckles must really get cold - you were wearing gloves in your recent video

Ahh you noticed…Check this out… on another forum some pin head said and I quote: If you need to wear racing gloves, your going way too fast on public roads in my opinion. … Whata freakin bone head but that’s that new fourm Lotus Talk for ya…The gloves give a bit more grip on the suede wheel

The gloves give a bit more grip on the suede wheel

You’d find the grip miles better if you got yourself a round wheel, instead of that odd shaped contraption you’re persevering with at present

Joking apart (& assuming you wish to retain the steering wheel) have you considered fitting a “quicker” steering rack? The time spent moving your hand between the gear shift & wheel, coupled with the risk of gripping the wheel in “the wrong place”, whilst turning, must potentially affect your control. Hope that makes sense.

PS It hasn’t rained here for 5 days - it’s fooking cold though!!!

Most aircon systems don’t operate if the ambient temperature is less than 3C so it’s not surprising your screen didn’t clear…

How’s the air circulation set?

How do you mean?

On aircontrol unit there are 2 buttons. One is for AC on/off and the other for air circulation My guess is if the light on the button is lit you have inn cabin air circulation. If off, than fresh air will come in from outside. Inn cabin circulation lets the windows fog up as there no fresh air.
Hope this helps.
