Ahem...net exactly impressed with this...

From Auto Express article on the 240R:

“Still, Lotus’ Sport division plans to offer the supercharger kit as an aftermarket option, making the Exige one of the cheapest ways into supercar ownership.”

Cheers Lotus.

Yeah yeah yeah, but you have the trick suspesnions, the badge and little plate, the exclusive number out of 50 etc etc etc… I’m sure you’ll live

Not impressed perhaps, but not entirely surprised either I would have thought.

Or Auto Express are also guessing what we all know.

Talking of mags, anybody see the new Europa in EVO, along with a full size clay model of the just signed-off track thingy. Europa is apparently less focused and due to appear in March at Geneva; aimed at keeping Lotus junkies happy until the Esprit.


Yeah as I’ve said elsewhere, not too bothered as an S2 specced up to the 240R and with s/c will come to more anyway.

Just thought they could’ve left it a little longer

interesting that EVO have seen the clay model for the Esprit and say it is pretty close to the artist impression…at 60k should be good value for money to…if 60k could ever be descibed as good value for money…should worry Ferrari and Porsche at that price.

Cars always creep up in price as they head for launch.
