Advice on buying an Exige....

Ok, I’ve been hiding on here for a while and over the next month or so will be hopefully buying an exige (S1 of course )

I’m a current elise owner and am just after some advice to see what the main things are to look out for.

I’ve read on other websites that the engines need rebuilding every 25k or so - is this true if so does any have a rough price of the rebuilds?

Air-con: seems to be most people say they dont use it so am probably not too fused about it.

If anyone has any advice/recomendations i would really appreciate your help.



I’d say just look for the normal things you’d do when buying an elise. The only differences are service intervals every 6k miles. Air con is ok but I mainly use it to demist the windows better to just open the windows on a hot day.

buy an s2. that is all. thanks

get one with a honda in it

Take your time, don’t buy the first one you see, drive a few. Buy a one from a enthousiast. Drive a few as well to get a feel for what seems right/wrong etc. best of buy one with sport seats/harnesses in my opinion, leather seat or poor

Take your time, don’t buy the first one you see, drive a few. Buy a one from a enthousiast. Drive a few as well to get a feel for what seems right/wrong etc. best of buy one with sport seats/harnesses in my opinion, leather seat or poor

Not at all confusing

Seriously though Paul, happy hunting�


Take your time, don’t buy the first one you see, drive a few. Buy a one from a enthousiast. Drive a few as well to get a feel for what seems right/wrong etc. best of buy one with sport seats/harnesses in my opinion, leather seat or poor

Not at all confusing

Seriously though Paul, happy hunting�


ha ha, should really re read what i wright before final post hope you got the idea any way.

To sum it up-Drive and look at more than 1 and buy 1 with sport seats

Ok, I’ve been hiding on here for a while and over the next month or so will be hopefully buying an exige (S1 of course )

I’m a current elise owner and am just after some advice to see what the main things are to look out for.

I’ve read on other websites that the engines need rebuilding every 25k or so - is this true if so does any have a rough price of the rebuilds?

Air-con: seems to be most people say they dont use it so am probably not too fused about it.

If anyone has any advice/recomendations i would really appreciate your help.




Not wanting to be unhelpful, but try a search (on something like ‘tips’) as that question is answered a lot and different things always pop-up.


i put a post up in the s1 section a couple of months ago. advice and opinions please.
have a read at that


Are you any nearer making your purchase?


Don’t go Scuffers on his ass!

Jesus those guys are immature , and that�s saying a lot coming from me !



And I thought I wittered on.


Someone told me what SELOC stood for, can’t remember what it is now, but I know L.O.C was “Load of Crap”

Someone told me what SELOC stood for, can’t remember what it is now, but I know L.O.C was “Load of Crap”

How about




  • only know the person through posts tho’

My Advice is :

If you buy the mintest example you can find
a. You will be too scared to use it for fear of stone chips etc
b. If you do use it the depreciation will be at it’s highest (If you ever sell)

However if you go for an alround good clean car then you will be unafraid to use her and you can always spend the rainy days personalising your machine with the money saved !

Because Remember :
" every second you spend not in the driving seat is a second wasted ! "

Very good advice.

In fact, I bought mine new but if I was going to buy one now if would be the cheapest one I could find, and then I would change lots of things, and basically have a better than new one.

Don’t go Scuffers on his ass!

SELOC Forums

Scuffham’s making an ass of himself? …again?

Ooohhh, must resist the temptation to go and read…

BTW, wise advise on the signature above:

Never argue with an idiot, they’ll bring you down to their level and then batter you with experience

Ok, thanks for all the info so far - should have added I wont be scared of driving it as it’ll have to do the same duties as the elise i.e being my everyday car.

I know stone chips are a common feature on the front of them - it gives them character I cant understand the people that buy cars like these and only use them for a few hundred miles every year !!!