
Please can some one tell me what the pipe is shown on this photo which the lagging has worn off!(hope you can see it, sorry don’t know how to circle it)

1)I am to worry that some of the lagging is missing, will it affect any thing important?
2)Do you think i should be able to just re-lagg it my self and duck-tap up each end?

thank to any one that can help


Don’t think I have one of those on my car…at least not going where yours does

Do you have a/c?

Yeah its just an air con pipe - put some lag and tape over it and it will work just as it always did

Yes mine has air con, I checked and it didn’t get hot after running so though it must have somthing to do with air con. great will make it look a look nicer now i know i can do it!


Please can some one tell me what the pipe is shown on this photo which the lagging has worn off!(hope you can see it, sorry don’t know how to circle it)
[image]>> [/image]

1)I am to worry that some of the lagging is missing, will it affect any thing important?
2)Do you think i should be able to just re-lagg it my self and duck-tap up each end?

thank to any one that can help


Theres that fcuking connector i managed to get smoking over Christmas!


I agree with AndyD… its an aircon pipe and you can relag it without problemo

Yeah its just an air con pipe - put some lag and tape over it and it will work just as it always did

As in not at all!

Nath, you didn’t need to take the pic whilst the car was moving!

aye it was poor a photo , i can take good ones sometimes though


Yeah its just an air con pipe - put some lag and tape over it and it will work just as it always did

As in not at all!

aye it was poor a photo , i can take good ones sometimes though

[image]>> [/image]

Yours really is a tidy car Nath. Yellow is kind of growing on me!

aye it was poor a photo , i can take good ones sometimes though

going to post one then so we can see

aye it was poor a photo , i can take good ones sometimes though

going to post one then so we can see

I got my first camera for christmas so I am trying

aye it was poor a photo , i can take good ones sometimes though

[image]>> [/image]

Yours really is a tidy car Nath. Yellow is kind of growing on me!

Thank you, I remember taking to the previous owner of your car (when it was for sale) and it seemed a great car to and the guy seemed to really know his stuff (tim stevens??)