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All the best Mike and Pete … we will all be thinking of you …

Hey Guys!

Thanks so much of all your comments and wishes. :sunglasses:

My health shit is just shit… But, Mike’s is on another level… and I truly hope mate, you will make a positive recovery mate.

Yes, none of this great stuff we all share on this forum, with our great cars as the catalytic link, is possible without health. As Mr Bean has always said, ‘life is not a practice lap, go for it from the start’! Too true! :clap:

I personally have had some amazing times in my Loti! TD’s and all the ownership experienced enhanced many 1,000’s of percent by the comrade of this forum! I remember my first Exiges TD at Donny! I was pretty in awe and I guess intimidated by of all blokes, Pesky, with his DynaRod orange Honda’d Exige! But I had met Martin E earlier who told me Rob was nothing more than a gravy basher!!! And as for the rest of you…! :laughing:

Since then, so many experiences and banter with so many like minded blokes! How many evenings and weekends have been saved by this forum! Ha! So much knowledge too… all of which made the Exige experience so much better! S1, S2… or even a threesome!

I am f…ng furious about what has transpired with respect to how one day all seems great, then out of no where, life, it all changes. The ultimate view of this is of course with Con… I feel really humbled saying that…

Anyway, I have now sold me Elise too. A drive in my BMW 118d had me stretched so my reality continues. I will continue to ‘lurk’ on here and when this shit passes, which I am determined it will, I hope to be back! Maybe the S4 will be out by then!

In the meantime, my Landy Defender, all 120bhp of gutless 4WD heritage, will keep me amused! Already a member of the associated ‘forums’… but none of the are a patch on what IS the best car forum in the world! Join other forums and you will know what I mean (sorry selcock!! :laughing: )

Enough rambling! Thanks again for all your wishes guys and have a GREAT EXIGES weekend!

Cheers, Pete :wink:

Take care Pete, don’t be a stranger buddy as with or without Loti, you’ll always be an Exiger :wink:

Nice post Pete. Such a shame you can’t be there next week :nerd:

All, the best, pal. Keep chipping in from Down Under.