Accident damaged S1

I’ve got my old Exige for sale.

It’s a 2000 with 32,000 miles and a NA Honda k20 coversion.

I was hit on the near side rear quarter by a gentleman running a red light at about 40mph and spun round into a pedestrian fence.

The rear clam is badly damaged, as are both rear suspension linkages and wheels. The driveshafts have broken, and there may be impact through to the gearbox.

The front of the car is undamaged, with the offside door and roof still intact. The car has motorsport seats and harnesses, there may be damage to the driver’s seat, but the passenger seat was fortunately empty.

The car is down at Sinclaires, I’m looking to sell the whole thing at the moment, but may possibly end up breaking it.

If it’s of interest please Pm with offers, i’ll try to get some recent photos.



p.m sent

Damn. That was fast!
Not even gave me the chance to think about it.
Chris you still have a spare exige engine cover (original) for sale?

p.m sent

Is Nigel going to fix it for you?

Yep, he’s just put an order in with araldite and sikaflex

Yep, he’s just put an order in with araldite and sikaflex

Sound like a firm of solicitors

Yep, he’s just put an order in with araldite and sikaflex

Sound like a firm of solicitors

Specialised in getting you out of sticky situations ?

LOL Dave

The car’s been released now, hopefully i’ve just mailed out the details to all who are interested, if i missed you i’m sorry, please pass me your e-mail address and i’ll forward all the info i have on to you.


email sent