A proper use of carbon fibre

I’ve been sat on this news for a long time, but as they’ve now announced it themselves.

Pilbeam Racing Designs .. Innovation + Excellence = The Winning Formula (In the ‘latest news’ section)


I don’t really see the need tbh, cost alone would be stupid and I very much doubt it has been crash tested.

To be brutally honest I found the bits I have bought from Pilbeam lacking somewhat in both fit and fixtures, and their response to my concerns as though it was me at fault due to their poor fitting parts.

If they cant get stuff like welding an ARB up “straight” or filing out holes that should be free from sharp edges in pedal boxes Id hate to think what fitting oem components to one of their chassis would be like…

Yeah, I’m with Gav. Not been impressed at all with the dealings I have had with Pilbeam in the past.

Fair comments Gav, I can’t argue against your own findings, or yours Sean. I can only say that mine have always been very different with all the parts I’ve fitted over the years with no real issues, certainly nothing like you’ve unfortunately had anyway Gav. I think the only company that I’ve had no component issues with whatsoever over all the years starts with an Ö.

As for the carbon chassis itself, I don’t think it’s been designed on a simple whim, to do otherwise really would be unecessary, and is intended for some as yet unannounced projects rather than any sort roadgoing retrofit. I’m not even certain who is actually manufacturing it but assuming that it wouldn’t be right is a little unfair to whichever it is of those very few companies able to do such a thing.

I think it’s an interesting move which I’m surprised lotus have done for another limited edition…It would be interesting to see the costs for a chassis from pilbeam and also look at a finished article rather than a rendering. I’m surprised they’ve not addressed the single biggest issue to many a chassis write looking at that rendering though.

On the subject of shit service it’s endemic in the UK, I’ve lost count of the company’s or people that just don’t care or can’t be arsed during the limited automotive stuff I do but deal with it on a daily basis in work. Current battle on my build is for a CP4623 master cylinder on order from November with demon thieves. I’m guilty as I’ve not looked for an alternative supplier…

The chassis does look cool!! Wonder how much lighter it is? From memory the ally tub is only 80kgs. And how much it is!!

Might have a cylinder in stock, depending on what colour you want. Or may be able to get you one.

Not sure if it is Wow or Why :crazy:

Bet it’s new V6 money on it’s own

cool to see though

If it was sub 10k then it would be interesting and very tempting (not that I’ve got a spare chassis which might still have an ID)…

Oh on the MC;CP4623,160mm non captive push rod with a 0.750 bore. Colour? Aren’t they all cast alloy with gold caps, not that it matters as I’ll use the reservoir to replace these.

think all the bores are colour coded

The MC’s are all the same thing to begin with, but have different bores machined to give different fluid transfer. To denote size they have a coloured cable tie around them and sometimes have it laser etched on as well.

If you are after a green one you are in luck. And maybe black if I can find it!

You may be the luckiest man alive!! green is 0.75 inch!