A little pbit of photoshop


…when the engine goes BANG! (definetely, ask Simon S)

LOL! That’s what I thought but I’m just doing what’s been asked

Does anyone want a 1600 x 1200 with 7500 RPM? or 7800?

No, want one that says below:

…when the engine goes BANG!

I told you, Uldis, not to tempt fate…

SHE has an awful habit of having the last word…

But now you’ve used up three of your nine lives

How about using the Exige font now ?

Only kidding or am I ?

Why has SELOC removed the post ???

Is there an Exige font about? I recall someone asking about the Elise font but someone said it was just those 5 letters… I could just see the Font coming in handy at some point in the future

I’m not sure if it is available but (i think) somewhere on this BBS is an EPS file of it

It’s alright, mine is a HE.
Besides, I seldom rev past 7500

Why has SELOC removed the post ???

There was a copyright statement in the corner, as I recall, by the designer, so perhaps…

More likely due to the fact that there was overuse of bandwidth and the site went down yesterday due to some very large files being constantly viewed.

Why has SELOC removed the post ???

There was a copyright statement in the corner, as I recall, by the designer, so perhaps…

That was me I am the real Mark Mailer

So I had no problem with it being there (having posted it myself!)…

Guess it must be the bandwidth thing…


I hope I can use this as wallpaper???.. could you do a lower case one?

No probs, am up to my eyeballs ATM but should be able to get something done a wee bit later on…

Hi, sorry to be a hassle, but could you do the 1600 pixel pic with a totally black background?

Pretty selfish of me asking for something on my first post to exiges.com but look at it this way, your post is the one that motivated me to register.

And obviously my handle is wannabe because I wannabe an exige owner but the little buggers are a little too expensive in Aussie-land. If I could pay 20k pounds for a second hand one here, I would be driving one now - unfortunately they are more than double that!!!

Why dont you buy one over here and get it shipped back?. About �4500 shipping costs i think. Thinking of emmigrating to Australia, i’m a gas engineer much demand for gas people over there on boilers and such like?.

Hi moles, trust me I have looked into it. The problem with bringing one into Australia is that you have to pay a lot of government charges/duties.

I can’t remember how much it was now but I think it worked out to be close to double the cost. It was still cheaper than here.

The best way to bring one in is to live and own one in the UK then decide you want to emmigrate to Australia. You are then entitled to bring your own car into the country without paying any duties. So whatever you do, don’t come here without an exige.

As for myself, I got bitten by the exige bug when I drove one. Came out with the biggest grin on my face.

Then I got into my family car (SAAB Convertible) - felt like I was driving a whale.

Okey dokey folks!

Here is a lower case @ 8000rpm → Clicky clicky

And one with a complete black BG, upper case, 8.5krpm → Clicky clicky

If you right click on the image in your browser and choose “Set as desktop wallpaper…” or somink like that then you can use it as a wall paper

Any more concepts for wall papers or exige type artwork and stuff just drop me a line and I’m sure I’ll be able to do something


I was thinking of a gif with a silver Exige flying over a crest on a B road and the upon landing scrapes the rear diffuser and gives sparks!

But I don’t know how to do gifs …